Published June 27, 2010
| Version 12634
Journal article
The Effect of Board Composition and Ownership Concentration on Earnings Management: Evidence from IRAN
The role of corporate governance is to reduce the
divergence of interests between shareholders and managers. The role
of corporate governance is more useful when managers have an
incentive to deviate from shareholders- interests. One example of
management-s deviation from shareholders- interests is the
management of earnings through the use of accounting accruals. This
paper examines the association between corporate governance
internal mechanisms ownership concentration, board independence,
the existence of CEO-Chairman duality and earnings management.
Firm size and leverage are control variables. The population used in
this study comprises firms listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
(TSE) between 2004 and 2008, the sample comprises 196 firms.
Panel Data method is employed as technique to estimate the model.
We find that there is negative significant association between
ownership concentration and board independence manage earnings
with earnings management, there is negative significant association
between the existence of CEO-Chairman duality and earnings
management. This study also found a positive significant association
between control variable (firm size and leverage) and earnings
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